Jointly Organized by
Tongji University
Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA).
Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport
Shanghai Institute of Traffic Engineering
China Journal of Highway and Transport
Belt & Road International Transport Alliance (BRITA)
Sponsored by 111 Project on Transportation Safety Discipline
July 18-19, 2023
The world is facing critical traffic safety challenges. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.3 million people die on the road annually. Traffic crashes have become the eighth leading cause of death and the top cause of death for the population group age 5 to 29. In 2021, WHO developed a Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030 to prevent at least 50% of road traffic deaths and injuries by applying a "safe systems" approach by 2030. China has a fatality rate of 18.2 per 100,000 people, which is two to six times higher than that of developed countries. In 2022, China's State Council Security Committee Office issued the 14th Five-Year National Road Traffic Safety Plan, proposed to incorporate the safe systems approach to effectively improve the capability of modern transportation governance and the traffic safety level; to fundamentally eliminate the hidden dangers in traffic control; and to solve the deep-seated root causes, bottlenecks, and outstanding problems that limit traffic safety. The current goals and main indicators were clarified in the 14th Five-Year National Road Traffic Safety Plan.
Developed countries in Europe and the Americas started earlier in traffic safety study, goal-setting, and strategic planning. In 1997, Sweden was the first to propose Vison Zero to fundamentally eliminate roadway deaths and severe injuries. The Vision Zero proposal has triggered many countries to respond positively. In 2010, the United States incorporated Vision Zero for traffic accidents in its National Road Safety Strategy report. As of November 2020, 45 cities in the United States have adopted Vision Zero and have gradually developed models for establishing safety improvement priorities based on statistical analysis of accidents. Although countries around the world are constantly exploring innovative theories and technologies for road safety governance, the absolute number and percentage of road traffic injuries and fatalities worldwide have remained high. According to the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the number of traffic fatalities in the United States indeed has been on the rise in recent years. The issue of road traffic safety is still a common challenge worldwide.
The theme of the 8th symposium is “Strengthen the foundation, enhance the cooperation, and effectively improve the traffic safety.” The symposium will focus on the development of traffic safety policies, the application of new technologies in traffic safety management, the comparison of international experiences for important safety problems, and the international collaboration in safety research and application.
Tongji University initiated the International Symposium on Transportation Safety in 2010. This year the 8th symposium will be held on July 18 to 19 in Shanghai. The symposium is supported by the “111 Project on Transportation Safety Discipline”.
欧美发达国家在交通安全目标制定、战略规划的研究起步较早,1997年,瑞典最早提出了零死亡愿景(Vison Zero),其根本目标是消除交通事故伤亡。瑞典之举引发众多国家积极响应,2010年,美国在《零死亡:国家道路安全战略》研究报告中确定了交通事故“零死亡愿景”。截至2020年11月,美国共有45个城市提出了“零死亡愿景”,并已逐渐形成了基于事故统计分析确立安全改善重点问题的模式。尽管各国在不断探索道路交通安全治理创新理论与技术,但全球道路交通伤亡的绝对数字和比例一直处于高值。根据美国国家道路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)的数据,美国交通事故死亡人数近年来呈上升趋势。道路交通安全问题仍然是全球面临的共同挑战。
同济大学于2010年起定期召开国际交通安全学术研讨会,旨在借鉴发达国 家先进经验,快速提升我国交通安全研究与应用的水平,至今已举办七届。本届研讨会将于2023年7月18-19日在同济大学举行。会议由交通安全学科创新引智基地资助(“111计划”,由教育部和国家外专局联合资助)。
Dr. Shou’en Fang, Professor, Chairman of Tongji University Council
Dr. Jianming Ma, Chairman of COTA, Texas DOT
Conference Advisory Committee
Dr. Jianming Ling, Professor, Tongji University
Chunjun Yu, Associate Director, Traffic Management Research Institute, Ministry of Public Security
Dr. Wanjing Ma, Professor, Tongji University
Dr. Zhongyin Guo, Professor, Tongji University
Dr. Ronggui Zhou, Department Head, Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, Associate Professor, George Mason University
Dr. Keping Li, Professor, Tongji University
Conference Organizing Committee
Dr. Xuesong Wang, Professor, Tongji University
Dr. Cong Chen, University of South Florida
Dr. Yong Ma, Deputy Director of Editorial, China Journal of Highway and Transport
Dr. Junhua Wang, Professor, Tongji University
Miaoli Wu, Senior Engineer, Tongji University
Dr. Yanli Wang, Senior Engineer, Tongji University
Shuo Yang, Engineer, Tongji University
Conference Secretary:
Ms. Dongxiao Liu, International Affairs Assistant, Tongji University
July 18th, 2023
Room 103, College of Transportation Engineering, Jiading Campus, Tongji University
Opening Ceremony
Keynote Speech:Traffic Safety System Governance
Session Chair: Xuesong Wang
Welcome Remarks and Introduction to the Attendees
Dr. Wanjing Ma, Professor, Party Secretary of College of Transportation Engineering;
Dr. Jianming Ma, Chairman of COTA
Safe System Approach
Mr. Roger Millar, Washington State Department of Transportation Secretary, AASHTO President, ASCE T&DI President
Safe and Resilient Urban Transportation Infrastructure
Dr. Kumares Sinha, Professor, Purdue University
Group Photo & Coffee Break
The Future of Traffic Management Systems
Dr. Jianming Ma, Chairman of COTA, Traffic Management Section Director of the Texas Department of Transportation
Safety Improvement Programming in California
Dr. Zhongren Wang, Chief, Office of Mobility Programs at the California Department of Transportation
Keynote Speech:New Technology and Approach of Traffic Safety Research
Session Chair: Cong Chen
Leveraging Connected Car Data to Enhance Arterial Safety
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, George Mason University
Development and Application of Traffic Risk Assessment Technology in China
Dr. Junhong Liao, researcher, Research Institute of Highway Ministry of Transport
Safeguarding First Responders in the Era of Evolving Transportation Systems
Dr. Jun Liu, Assistant Professor, University of Alabama
Exploring Unknown Hazardous Scenarios for ADS based on Simulation Testing
Dr. Junyi Chen, Assistant Professor, Tongji University
Researches on the Key Technologies of Operation Risk Prevention and Control System for Safe Operation in all time of Freeways & Urban Expressway
Dr. Zhongyin Guo, Professor, Tongji University
Safety Enhancement of Takeover in Level-3 Autonomous Vehicles
Dr. Chen Chai, Associate Professor, Tongji University
July 19th, 2023
Room 103, College of Transportation Engineering, Jiading Campus, Tongji University
Keynote Speech: Intrinsically Safety of Road traffic
Session Chair: Xuesong Wang and Cong Chen
Construction of ICV Driving Safety Test Environment on Public Roads
Dr. Wenjie Lu, researcher, Traffic Management Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security
Traffic Safety Studies and Application
Dr. Xuesong Wang, Professor, Tongji University
Safety Assessment of Commercial Driveways in the Vicinity of Interchanges
Dr. Cong Chen, research associate, University of South Florida
Enhancing Traffic Accident Risk Forecasting through Contextual-aware Modeling on Heterogeneous Data.
Dr. Zhenning Li, Assistant Professor, University of Macau
Investigation on Hazardous Driving Behavior
Dr. Junhua Wang, Professor, Tongji University
Roger Millar,美国华盛顿州交通厅长,美国国家公路和运输官员协会(AASHTO)主席;美国ASCE运输与发展协会主席
Kumares Sinha院士,教授,美国普渡大学
Please register by the end of 14th July and provide information as below:
Name, title, organization, contact phone number, and email address.
You can register in any of the following ways:
1. Send an email to Ms. Dongxiao Liu, the Conference Secretary:
2. Add WeChat “Ldongxiao258”, with the remark “8th ISTS symposium”.
Attachment: List of Attending Scholars
(First Name Last Name, Organization)
1. Roger Millar
WSDOT, AASHTO President, ASCE TDI President
2. Jianming Ma
3. Kumares Sinha
Purdue University
4. Zhongren Wang
California Department of Transportation
5. Cong Chen
University of South Florida
6. Jun Liu
University of Alabama
7. Shanjiang Zhu
George Mason University
8. Zhenning Li
University of Macau
1. 方守恩
2. 凌建明
3. 马万经
4. 郭忠印
5. 王雪松
6. 王俊骅
7. 陈君毅
8. 柴晨
9. 廖军洪
10. 陆文杰

Shou’en Fang
Title: Chairman of Tongji University Council
Affiliation: Tongji University
Brief Biography:
Prof. Shou’en Fang is the Chairman of Tongji University Council. He serves as the Chair of National Road Traffic Technology Action Planning Expert Group and the Chair of National Accident Prevention Expert Team, Ministry of Public Security, State Administration of Work Safety; He is the deputy director of the National Road Traffic Management Engineering Technology Research Center, and the director of Road Safety and Environmental Engineering Center, Ministry of Education; and the member of PIARC. His research interests are on road traffic safety, driving behavior, road planning and design theory, etc. Prof. Shou’en Fang has published more than 60 journal papers, 2 monographs and 3 books. He has undertaken a number of national research projects, such as State Science and Technology Support Program, National High-tech R&D Programs of China (863-Program), Transportation Development Project of Western China by the Ministry of Transport, and etc. He has also obtained a bunch of awards, such as the first prize of Science and Technology Progress Award from China Highway & Transportation Society, the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award from China Highway Society, the second prize of Science and Technology Progress Award from the Ministry of Public Security, and several third prizes from provincial governments.

Ma, Wanjing
Title: Professor and Party Secretary
Affiliation: School of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University
Brief Biography:
Dr. Wanjing Ma, professor, is the Party Secretary of the College of Transportation Engineering of Tongji University. His research focuses on traffic operation and control, intelligent transportation systems, and shared mobility. On these topics, he has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals. Dr. Ma was the recipient of the award of Shanghai Pujing Scholar Program. He is an active member of professional societies such as the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS). Dr Ma is on the editorial advisory board of Transportation Research Part C and Journal of Next Generation Information Technology. He also provides review services to many leading academic journals, including Transportation Research Part A/B/C, international conferences, and a number of regional, national, and international funding agencies.

Jianming Ling
Title: Dean of College of Transportation Engineering
Affiliation: Tongji University
Brief Biography:
Dr. Jianming Ling is a professor in road and airport engineering, and the dean of College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University. He was a visiting professor at the University of Texas at Austin in 2005. Prof. Ling received his Ph.D. degree in civil engineering from Tongji University in 1993. His Primary research interests are subgrade theories and technologies, airport infrastructure design and Management. In the past decade, Prof. Ling led the research projects on dynamic behavior and design index of subgrade for MEPDG in China. He also developed the first management system for airport pavement (CAPMS) in China, and a pavement design method for New General Large Aircrafts. He was the chief editor of “Code for Design of Urban Road Subgrades” and “Technical Specifications of Airport Pavement Evaluation and Management” of China.
Dr. Ling has led more than 40 national and provincial-level key projects, including the Chinese National Science and Natural Foundation, the National "863" Plan, and International Technology Collaboration Projects. He has been awarded 4 National Science and Technology Progress Award (2nd Class), published more than 200 academic papers and 4 textbooks. Leading compiled 3 National and Industry standards, and participated in compiling 9 standards. Awarded as Shanghai Leading Talent, Outstanding Young Expert in Transportation Science & Technology, Shanghai Excellent Academic Leader, and Shanghai Shuguang Excellent Scholar.

Kumares C.Sinha
Title: Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering
Affiliation: Purdue University
Brief Biography:
Dr. Kumares C.Sinha is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and he is the Edgar B. and Hedwig M. Olson Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering at Purdue University. He has served as the director of the Joint Transportation Research Program, a collaboration between Purdue and the Indiana Department of Transportation. He has been involved in research, education and practice of transportation planning, engineering and management for five decades. His research contributions have covered a wide range of areas including traffic engineering, urban transportation and land use planning, safety analysis, infrastructure asset management, applications of advanced technologies, and transportation financing and policy.
He received his bachelor's degree from Jadavpur University in India in 1961, and his master's and doctoral degrees from the University of Connecticut in 1966 and 1968, respectively. He was named an honorary member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and was honored by various other organizations. He is the editor-in-chief emeritus of the Journal of Transportation Engineering. He has served as a consultant for the World Bank for more than three decades. He also served as President of Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE and has mentored more than 200 master’s, doctoral and post-doctoral students around the world.

Title: Director of Traffic Management Section
Affiliation: Texas Department of Transportation
Contact info: 512-923-6456/
Brief Biography:
Dr. Jianming Ma obtained his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2006. Dr. Ma has been a registered Professional Engineer in Texas since 2008, and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP®) since 2019. As Traffic Management Section Director of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), Dr. Ma oversees the development of statewide traffic management programs including Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Traffic Signals, Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO), and Traffic Incident Management. Dr. Ma has over twenty-eight years of progressive experience in research, contract management, project and program management with a record of establishing operational optimization, development of high performing teams, and improving processes and procedures. Dr. Ma coordinates national studies promoted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Transportation Pooled Fund (TPF), the Transportation Research Board (TRB), and the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). The range of topics include connected and automated vehicle (CAV), econometric modeling, human factors, ITS, systems engineering, traffic engineering and traffic safety. He has authored, co-authored, or contributed to about 50 technical papers and reports. Dr. Ma serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Safety Research.

Roger Millar
Secretary of Transportation
Title: Secretary of Transportation
Affiliation: Washington State Department of Transportation
Address: PO Box 47316,310 Maple Park Drive,Olympia, WA 98504
Brief Biography:
Roger Millar joined the Washington State Department of Transportation as Deputy Secretary in October 2015 and was appointed Secretary of Transportation in August 2016. He oversees an agency that is the steward of a complex, multimodal transportation system, and responsible for ensuring that people and goods move safely and efficiently.
Millar is an experienced land use and transportation engineer, planner and program manager with an international reputation for innovative approaches to conservation and development. The prominent theme that has run through his career has been planning and implementing transportation systems that are not ends unto themselves; but rather the means toward economic vitality, environmental stewardship, social equity, public health, and aesthetic quality. His work on the Portland Streetcar and the Glenwood Springs to Aspen BRT provided communities nationwide with new mobility tools. His Complete Streets leadership helped create a national movement for transportation systems that are safe, convenient, and pleasant for all users, regardless of how they choose to travel. His State DOT leadership is bringing innovation to agencies with enormous influence on transportation investment.
Millar is a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and a Fellow of the American Institute of Certified Planners. He is the President of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), Immediate Past Chair of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America Board of Directors, President of the ASCE Transportation and Development Institute, and a member of the National Operations Center of Excellence Strategic Advisory Council and the National Complete Streets Coalition Steering Committee.

Zhongren Wang
Department of Transportation
Title: Chief
Affiliation: California Department of Transportation
Brief Biography:
Dr. Zhongren Wang is Chief, Office of Mobility Programs at the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Currently, he manages multiple statewide mobility programs such as connected corridor, operational improvement analysis and investigation, and project environmental impact analysis. Prior to this assignment, he was the Office Chief managing the statewide 80,000 lane-km pavement maintenance and rehabilitation programs from data collection to project programming using a pavement management system called PaveM.
A registered Civil and Traffic Engineer in California, Dr. Wang has more than 30 years of experiences in transportation project development and management, program administration, and academic teaching and research. Dr. Wang serves on TRB standing Committees including Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics, and Pavement Management. He also serves on several NCHRP research project panels and chairs one on new mobility options and modeling solutions. Dr. Wang published more than 40 journal papers in various refereed journals and is now an associate editor for the International Journal on Transportation Science and Technology.

Jun Liu
Assistant Professor
Title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama
Address: 248 Kirkbride Lane, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Phone: 205-348-9569
Brief Biography:
Dr. Jun Liu is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and the Director of NextGen Transportation Lab at the University of Alabama (UA). His research interests include shared mobility and planning, road safety and responder safety, ITS/CAVs, and sustainable transportation. Dr. Liu has over 200 publications including books/chapters, journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports. Since 2018, Dr. Liu has made significant contributions to securing $12 million in funding. He has been awarded a total of 19 projects, with 15 of them as the Principal Investigator (PI) and 5 as a Co-PI. The funding sources include prestigious organizations such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), US Department of Transportation, AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, State DOTs (Alabama and Georgia), and local agencies. Dr. Liu is a member/friend of TRB Committee on Transportation Safety Management (ACS10). He has also served on panels for NSF and NCHRP projects. Dr. Liu currently serves as an Assistant/Associate Editor for the Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, a Handling Editor for Transportation Research Record, and an Editorial Board Member for Accident Analysis & Prevention and the Journal of Safety Research. He also serves as a Paper Review Coordinator for TRB Committee on Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing (AED50) and an Area Editor for The Joint COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals.

Zhenning Li
Assistant Professor
Title: Assistant Professor
Affiliation: University of Macau
Brief Biography:
Zhenning Li received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Hawaii at Manoa in 2019. Currently, he holds the position of Assistant Professor at the State Key Laboratory of Internet of Things for Smart City, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and the Department of Computer and Information Science (adjunct) at the University of Macau, Macau. Over his academic career, he has published over 40 papers. His main areas of research focus on the intersection of connected autonomous vehicles and Big Data applications in urban transportation systems. He has been honored with several awards, including the Macau Talent Programme (Class A), and TRB best young researcher award, amongst others.

Shanjiang Zhu
Associate Professor
Title: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Sid and Reva Dewberry Department of Civil Environmental and Infrastructure Engineering, George Mason University, USA
Brief Biography:
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu is an Associate Professor of Transportation Planning and Engineering at George Mason University (GMU). He graduated from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, with a B.S degree in 2003 and a M.S in 2005. During 2001-2003, he studied at the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, in France, as a dual-degree student. He obtained his Ph.D. degree at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, in 2010 and worked two years as a Research Scientist at the University of Maryland before joining GMU. Dr. Zhu has more than 17 years of research experience in areas including travel demand modeling, travel behavior analysis, traffic simulation, transportation data analytics, analysis of non-motorized traffic and infrastructure needs, and transportation economics. His research work has also been funded by USDOT, FHWA, NSF, VDOT and DDOT. He is Virginia Governor’s appointee on the Technical Advisory Board of Northern Virginia Transportation Authority and is a fellow of GMU P3 transportation policy center. Dr. Zhu is the recipient of 2014 Young Research of the Year Award of International Transport Forum, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Dr. Zhu is currently serving as the Vice President of the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA).

Cong Chen
Research Associate
Title: Research Associate
Affiliation: Center for Urban Transportation Research, University of South Florida
Brief Biography:
Dr. Cong Chen is a research associate with ITS, Traffic Operations and Safety Program at the Center for Urban Transportation Research of the University of South Florida, and he also works as the General Manager of the Florida Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) Center. He has worked on more than 30 research projects as Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI, and technical lead related to traffic safety and crash analysis, pedestrian and bicycle safety, access management, transportation geospatial and temporal analysis, ITS and incident management, and training and workforce development. He currently serves as Chair of the Active Transportation Committee of the Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), a member for Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on Safety Performance Analysis (ACS20) and Standing Committee on Bicycle Transportation (ACH20), and a panel member for NCHRP 17-71A Proposed AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, 2nd Edition. He is registered professional engineer (PE) in the State Florida, United States, and a registered Road Safety Professional Level 1.

Zhongyin Guo
Position: Professor
Affiliation: Tongji University
Contact info:
Brief Biography:
Zhongyin Guo received his Ph.D in Road and Traffic Engineering, Tongji University. He has successively held the Posts of Research Assistant, Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Department Director and Dean of School of Transportation Engineering. Now he is a Professor and Tutors of Postgraduate Candidates of Road Safety and Environment Research Institute. He also undertakes some social jobs, such as Council Member of Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering and the Vice-chairman of its Road and Traffic Engineering Committee(Since 2000), Chairman of Road and Road Machinery Committee of Shanghai Highway and Transportation Society ( Since 2002), Personal Member of PIARC (Since 1995), Associate Editor of “The International Journal of Road Materials and Pavement Design”, Associate Editor of “Advances in Transportation Studies : An international Journal”, Council Member of China Society of Road Safety (Since 2000), Executive Council Member of Environment and Sustainable Development Branch of China Highway and Transportation Society(Since 2002), Person Selected for the First Level of New Century Talents Project of the Ministry of Transportation.
Professor Guo is the principal investigator of many National High-tech R&D Programs of China (863 Programs), National Key Technology R&D Programs and provincial or ministerial projects, such as “The Accidents Prevention Management System of Freeway Under Disastrous Weather”, “The Research on the Roadway Geometric Design Index Fingers Effecting Traffic Operation Safety”, “Study on Operation Safety at Tunnel`s Entrance and Exit” and so on.

Wenjie Lu
Associate Researcher
Title: Associate Researcher
Affiliation: Traffic Management Research Institute of MPS
Contact info:
Brief Biography:
Lu Wenjie, associate researcher at the Traffic Management Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security, leader of autonomous driving regulations, standards and advanced technologies.
His research interests focus on the testing and evaluation technology of ICV. In recent years, he has been participated in design, construction and operation of the National Intelligent Traffic Integrated Testing Facility in Wuxi. He also takes part in the construction of road test management specification and standard system of ICV, including both national and provincial levels.
Now he is hosting/participating in 2 national projects, 5 provincial projects, 2 national standards and 6 industry standards.

Title: Director
Affiliation: Road Safety Research Centre of Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport
Brief Biography:
Ronggui Zhou, PhD, Researcher, and the director of Road Safety Research Centre of Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport. He is currently the member of the Highway and Traffic Engineering Committee of the China Construction Engineering Standards Association, and a member of the Young Expert Committee of the Ministry of Transport. Dr. Ronggui Zhou mainly engages in highway geometric design, highway capacity and road traffic safety and other areas of the standard system revision research and design consulting works. As an academic leader, he completed many major scientific researches including: Equipment and technology of highway capacity research of National Science and Technology projects for 9th Five-Year Plan, Study on traffic capacity of expressway system of National Science and Technology projects for 10th Five-Year Plan, and other 6 ministerial major scientific research projects; and several research subject from Western Traffic Construction Technology Projects such as Research on Design Parameters of Two - Lane Highway in Mountainous Area, Research on Design Technology of Mountainous Expressway Ramp Line, Research on the Characteristics and Application Model of Highway Speed in Western area. He participated in the revision of many standards and specifications including Technical Standard of Highway Engineering, Design Specification for Highway Route, Guidelines for Design of Highway Grade-separated Intersections, Specifications for Highway Safety Audit, and so on. In addition, he is currently compiling some industry regulations such as Guidelines for Design of Plane intersection, Guidelines for Highway Capacity Analysis, Guidelines for Design of Truck Escape Ramp. He has won second prize of National Science and Technology Progress Awards, the special award and first prize of Provincial Science and Technology Award many times.

Xuesong Wang
Title: Professor
Affiliation: College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University
Brief Biography:
Dr. Xuesong Wang is a professor of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University, Executive Director of the Joint International Research Laboratory of Transportation Safety, Associate Director of Key Laboratory of Road and Traffic Engineering-China Ministry of Education, and Associate Director of the Engineering Research Center of Road Traffic Safety and Environment Engineering-China Ministry of Education. Dr. Wang’s main expertise is in the areas of traffic safety planning, safety evaluation of roadway design, traffic safety management, driving behavior analysis, vehicle active safety. He is a handling editor of Transportation Research Record. He is the Associate Editors of Accident Analysis and Prevention, China Journal of Highway and Transport. Dr. Wang serves as the chair for the safety committee at Shanghai Department of Transportation, the chair for the safety committee at Shanghai Institute of Transportation Engineering. He is an associate editor of Accident Analysis and Prevention. Dr. Wang has published more than 400 papers on academic journals and conferences. Earlier in his career, Dr. Wang has his Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering from the University of Central Florida. In 2015, he was awarded as the outstanding young researcher by the Chinese National Science Foundation.

Affiliation: School of Automotive Studies, Tongji University
Address: Clean Energy Automotive Engineering Center, No.4800 Cao’ an Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, 201804, P.R. China
Brief Biography:
Dr. Junyi Chen got the Ph.D degree in Automotive Engineering in 2009. From then on, she works in School of Automotive Studies of Tongji University. Her research interests are: simulation test methods of autonomous driving systems, SOTIF of automated vehicles, comprehensive evaluation methods of autonomous vehicles, etc. Dr. Chen has led or participated in more than 20 research projects, supported by National Key R&D Program of China, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization, and some leading enterprises in automotive industry.

Chen Chai
Associate Professor
Affiliation: Associate Professor, Assistant Chair in Teaching College of Transportation Engineering, Tongji University
Address: No.4800 Cao’ an Road, Jiading District, Shanghai, 201804, P.R. China
Dr. Chen Chai is an Associate Professor and Assistant Chair in Teaching at College of Transportation Engineering in Tongji University. She received the M.Sc. degree in Civil and Infrastructure Engineering and Management from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, in 2011; and the Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, in 2015.
Her areas of research are in human-vehicle cooperative driving system and interaction between human drivers and autonomous vehicles. She utilities high-fidelity driving simulator and machine learning techniques to evaluate and improve the safety performance of automated vehicles under complex traffic and road environments.
She received the Shanghai Sailing Talent Award and Shanghai Chenguang Talent Award in 2018. She is currently the member of Transportation Research Board Standing Committee ACH50: Road User Measurement and Evaluation.