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  发表时间:2015-05-18    阅读次数:


主题:A pathway to massive adoptions of electric vehicles – Development of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Networks





    Dr. Huang is an Assistant Professor of Glenn Department of Civil Engineering at Clemson University. He has been leading cutting-edge research on alternative transport fuel (biofuel and electric vehicles), and transportation and infrastructure system modeling and analysis, especially with integration of resilience and sustainability. He publishes research work in Transportation Science, Transportation Research series, Computers and Operational Research, and Networks and Spatial Economics.

       Dr. Huang has also been active in broader research communities. He organizes technical sessions in international/domestic conferences on electric vehicles and biofuel supply chain, and serves as editorial board members and guest editors of journals as well as referees for a wide range of top academic journals in transportation and energy fields.

       Dr. Huang received his Ph.D. in transportation engineering with a minor in applied mathematics from the University of California, Davis, a MSc. in transportation from the National University of Singapore, and graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology.


    This talk presents Dr. Huang‘s recent research efforts on electric vehicle (EV) charging location problems, with concerted efforts on modeling the interactions between transportation networks, geographic distributions of demands, travel behaviors, and time dynamics on the location strategies.



