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  发表时间:2015-10-26    阅读次数:


  主题:Tradable Credit Schemes for Congestion Mitigation

    主讲人:Yafeng Yin, Ph.D., Professor, University of Florida





    Dr. Yafeng Yin is a Professor at Department of Civil and Coastal Engineering and the Director of Transportation Research Center, University of Florida. He works in the area of transportation systems analysis and modeling, and has published over 70 refereed papers in leading academic journals. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part C and serves on the editorial boards for another four transportation journals such as Transportation Research Part B. He is a member of Transportation Network Modeling Committee and International Cooperation Committee of Transportation Research Board. Dr. Yin received his Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, Japan in 2002, his master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in 1996 and 1994 respectively. Prior to his current appointment at the University of Florida, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at University of California at Berkeley between 2002 and 2005. Between 1996 and 1999, he was a lecturer at Tsinghua University.


    Tradable credit scheme is a quantity-based instrument for congestion mitigation. In the scheme, a traffic management authority will first distribute mobility credits among eligible travelers and require them to pay a certain number of credits to access roads. Travelers will be allowed to freely trade the credits in a market, which will determine their price. The authority achieves its congestion reduction goal by choosing how to distribute and collect credits. In this talk, we will discuss issues associated with the design, analysis and implementation of the schemes.


