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(12月21日)System Wide Information Management for Global Air Traffic Management-Dr. Xiaodong Lu
  发表时间:2015-12-18    阅读次数:


  主题:System Wide Information Management for Global Air Traffic Management

  主讲人:Dr. Xiaodong Lu, 日本电子导航研究所研究员



  邀请人:欧冬秀 副教授



    Dr. Xiaodong Lu received the PhD degree in computer science from Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 2005. From 2005 to 2012, he was an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Now he is a researcher in Electronic Navigation Research Institute, Japan. His current research interests include System Wide Information Management (SWIM) for Global Air Traffic Management (ATM) and hybrid air traffic surveillance systems. His work over the past 10 years has built on diverse expertise in autonomous decentralized information system and high-assurance system. He has published more than 80 research papers in international journals, international conference proceedings, and book chapters. He managed over 10 Japanese government research grants and joint research projects with leading Japanese companies. The total amount of research funds is more than 400 million Japanese Yen. And he has served as PC Chair or PC Member for many international conferences and editor for academic societies.


  System Wide Information Management (SWIM), Air traffic communication and surveillance systems, and Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ADS)


  With the rapid increase in local and global air traffic, the system-wide operational information exchange and life-cycle management technologies are required to improve the capacity, safety and efficiency of Air Traffic Management (ATM) system. The System Wide Information Management (SWIM) concept is to change the conventional ATM information architecture from point-to-point data exchanges to system-wide interoperability. In this presentation, the background, concept, architecture and design technologies of SWIM system are introduced. Moreover, to promote the development of SWIM, the project of Mini Global demonstration has been conducted to exchange air transportation information among different Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) by using standardized information exchange models. This presentation also introduces the results of this demonstration and the lessons learned from this experience.


