271-Improving traffic signal control for corridors with variable demand

主讲人:Kun An
邀请人:马万经 教授
Kun received a Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong in 2014. She is currently a Lecturer with the Transport group at Monash University. The focus of her PhD dissertation was on reliable transit network design considering demand uncertainty. After graduation, she joined the University of Illinois at Urbana & Champaign as a Postdoctoral researcher in 2015. Her research interests include reliable transit network design with stochastic demand, logistics management, supply chain network design and traffic operation and control.
In the wake of traffic congestion at intersections, it is imperative to shorten delays in corridors with stochastic arrivals. Coordinated adaptive control can adjust green time flexibly to deal with a stochastic demand, while maintaining a minimum through-band for coordinated intersections. A multi-stage stochastic program based on phase clearance reliability is proposed to optimize base timing plans and green splits adjustments of coordinated intersections under adaptive control. An application to actual intersections in Shanghai shows that the PCR-based method can significantly shorten delays and almost eliminates overflow for the coordinated approaches.