Section 3:Transportation Infrastructure
主讲人1:肖飞鹏 博士

主讲题目:100-Year Durability of Pavement Engineering Materials
时间:2017年05月12日 周五 9:00-9:20
Dr. Feipeng Xiao is a Professor of “Recruitment Program for Young Professionals” in College of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University, China, and an Adjunct Associate Professor at University of Alabama, USA. He is a Registered Professional Engineer at Maryland with almost 20-year international experiences in structural design, pavement engineering, geotechnical engineering, and water resource. His research interests are focus on asphalt materials, solid waste applications, energy saving and environmental friendly materials, asphalt modifications and Nano techniques. Prof Xiao is working the Editor of Elsevier-Construction and Building Materials, Associate Editor of ASCE-Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering and Editorial Board Member for other three science citation indexed (SCI) journals. He is a reviewer serving over 20 international Journals. Prof Xiao published over 100 papers in international circulated Journals. He received the best paper award from International Conference and is one scholar of “the most cited Chinese Researchers in Civil and Construction Engineering” by Elsevier at 2014, 2015 and 2016. Prof. Xiao was issued 7 Chinese patents and co-published two books. He is serving/served Principle Investigator (PI) or Co-PI for over 10 projects funded by Chinese and US governments recently. Prof Xiao is frequently invited to serve the Scientific Committee and Co-Chair by International Conferences hosted by organizations in USA, China, Korea, India etc. He is also the committee member/member of several international pavement/materials related associations.
Recent years, rapid improvements of the infrastructures in China result in the social and economic developments. However, these growths brought many issues since the quality controls were somewhat ignored due to various reasons. Therefore, it is very indispensable to conduct the long-term performance infrastructure systems for our next generations. The durability of highway pavement is always an essential topic for the engineer and researcher. However, how to achieve this objective is challenging our pavement investigators. In this topic, the pavement engineering materials are selected and studied. Some innovative techniques, novel materials, and state of the art knowledges will be introduced to accomplish the objective of 100-year durability of pavement engineering materials.
主讲人2:田雨 博士

主讲题目:Rutting evaluation of full depth flexible pavement using full scale accelerated pavement testing
时间:2017年05月12日 周五 9:20-09:40
Dr. Yu Tian is a research scientist in the school of civil engineering at Purdue University. His research focuses on the mechanistic-empirical pavement design, accelerated pavement testing techniques, pavement preservation and nondestructive evaluation methods. Dr. Tian is member of International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP) and American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). Dr. Tian is an author of 9 scientific journal articles and 4 copyrighted software, inventor of 3 patents, and awardee of William and Mary Goetz Graduate Fellowship, “Wuhan City Partner”, “Wuhan City: Huanghe Talents Plan”, “MOHRSS: Funding Scheme to Outstanding Scientific and Technological Programs by Chinese Students Abroad”. Dr. Tian holds bachelor degree in civil engineering from Huangzhong University of Science and Technology in China, master and doctor degrees in civil engineering from Purdue University in the united states.
A prototype full-scale Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) facility was designed and built by Purdue University and the Indiana Department of Transportation. This study presents the development of a new mid-depth profile monitoring system (MPMS) to investigate the rutting behavior of full-depth asphalt pavements. The scope incorporates an experimental study that uses a full-scale accelerated pavement testing (APT) facility. Two different thicknesses of full-depth asphalt pavements were constructed in the Indiana accelerated pavement-testing facility. A laser profile scanning system was designed to reconstruct the transverse profiles at each pavement layer interface throughout the process of accelerated pavement deterioration. The contribution of each pavement structural layer to the total rut depth and the evolution of layer deformation were determined. The developed system provides reasonable results with a high accuracy level based on the findings. First, the measured rutting curves at each layer interface agree well with the theoretical characteristics of rutting evolution and clearly exhibit the primary and secondary stages of rutting development. Second, the locations of critical rutting and the total rut depths were found to be independent of pavement thickness when the pavement is sufficiently thick, which is a finding that agrees with previous study results. The results demonstrate MPMS developed in this study provides an excellent method to evaluate the rutting performance of asphalt pavements in the APT. In addition, MPMS has a potential application to in-service pavements.
主讲人3:张伟光 博士

主讲题目:Comparison of Laboratory and Field Asphalt Aging Using Polymer Modified and Warm Mix Asphalt Binders
时间:2017年05月12日 周五9:40-10:00
Dr. Weiguang Zhang is a Post-doc Research Assistant from School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University in West Lafayette. He is an active member of IACIP, ASCE, and AAPT. Dr. Zhang has led or participated 8 projects funded by NSFC, NCHRP, FDOT, INDOT, WADOT, and PSU. His research areas include materials, design, and performance evaluation of highway and airport pavements. He is co-author of the NCHRP report 843. He has also published 13 journals, 5 proceeding articles, 4 project reports, and given nine presentations at conferences and workshops such as TRB and ETG. Since 2015, Dr. Zhang has reviewed more than 50 papers for ASCE journals, TRR, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Journal of Construction and Building Materials and TRB annual meeting. He was also a reviewer of NCHRP IDEA (2016) AND NCHRP ballot (2017).
There are concerns on if the laboratory aging can fully represent field pavement aging especially when polymer modified asphalt (PMA) and warm mix asphalt (WMA) binders are used. In addition, the laboratory aging was developed based on SHRP binder tests (i.e., performance grade, PG); its applicability to recently developed tests such as MSCR is not clear. Therefore, the objectives of this paper are to investigate quantitatively the level of laboratory aging (both short-term and long-term) as compared to the field aging for both the control HMA binders and WMA/PMA binders, as well as to evaluate if the MSCR results using laboratory aged binders are comparable to the MSCR results based on recovered binders from field cores. Four projects that covered different climatic zones, pavement structures and materials were selected. Binder properties including high temperature PG, MSCR, binder low temperature PG and fracture energy are used for analysis. Based on the analysis, laboratory aging of asphalt binder is parameter sensitive: the laboratory RTFO and RTFO/PAV aging methods are insufficient to simulate field aging conditions for most cases except for low temperature PG test. Regarding MSCR test, no pattern can be found if the laboratory aging is sufficient/insufficient or reasonable to simulate field aging. Additionally, the Sasobit binders with PMA binders are over-aged by laboratory aging, thus the laboratory aging strength for such type of binder may need to be reduced to more accurately describe short-term field aging. Based on one mix type with non-polymer modified binders, 2 days’ oven aging of loose mix at 85°C matched well with the 1st-round recovered binders, indicating that 2-day oven aging of loose mix is reasonable to represent short-term field aging. Moreover, 7-day oven aging of loose mix is sufficient to mimic 3 years’ field aging.