Evacuation Research, Planning, and Lessons Learned from Hurricanes in the United States

Brian Wolshon
主讲人:Brian Wolshon
邀请人:朱炜 副教授
Brian Wolshon是美国路易斯安那州立大学教授(Edward A. and Karen Wax Schmitt Distinguished Professor),路易斯安那州立大学交通及应急疏散研究所主任,同时也是美国国家疏散会议的发起人,TRB分委会ABR30-Emergency Evacuation主席。他的主要研究方向包括:应急疏散管理与优化,高速公路设计及安全,交通控制与运行等。Brian Wolshon教授在应急交通疏散的理论与实践方面做了大量工作,其参与撰写书籍23部,TR Part A, B, C, F, Journal of Urban Planning and Development 等国际主流期刊论文64篇,参与超过50项疏散及交通安全相关的科研项目,项目总经费超过2700万美元。Brian Wolshon也是一位很有经验的任课教师,教授多门交通类课程,近20年学生评价平均分数达到3.5。
Professor Wolshon’s presentation will include an overview and history of the general concepts and practices used for evacuation in the United States. Included in this will be the history and development of the Louisiana evacuation plan, particularly how research conducted at LSU was able to support and improve the development the New Orleans freeway contraflow plan. It will also highlight a recent U.S. DOT supported project to apply state-of-the-art traffic simulation modeling for future evacuation plan assessment and improvement. As part of this work, a regional multimodal model for the southeast Louisiana highway network was developed to replicate the temporal and spatial travel movements of metropolitan New Orleans prior to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The goal of this information is to highlight the state of evacuation planning practice in America, lessons learned from Katrina and Gustav, and what professionals from other regions of the world can learn from practices in Louisiana and the United States.