Next Level of Applied Dynamic Soil-Structue Interaction

主讲人:Ronald Y. S. Pak 教授
邀请人:金浩 助理教授
Ronald Y. S. Pak, 1985年博士毕业于美国加州理工学院,1995年至今任科罗拉多大学波尔得分校教授,任美国土木工程师协会弹性力学分会主席,在岩土力学研究方面做出了卓越的贡献。
Current Research Projects
Dynamic soil-structure interaction, soil and structural dynamics, geotechnical earthquake engineering, foundation engineering, liquefaction, elasticity, geomechanics, centrifuge modeling, constitutive material modeling, 3D wave propagation, blast and impact loading, boundary element methods, finite element methods
Awards and Honors
NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award
Young Researcher Award, Civil Engineering, University of Colorado
Association of Professional Engineers Gold Medal, Ontario, Canada
Engineering Institute of Canada Prize
A review of the subproblems of seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) will be given. Attention will be called to the current conceptual foundation and its critical omissions for real SSI problems. The ability of a new dual-zone elastodynamic theory for seismic SSI as a compact resolution of many of the difficulties will be discussed.