Introduction to the Transportation Safety Management: Proactive and Reactive Strategies to Reduce Traffic Fatalities and Injures

主讲人:Dr. Jaeyoung Lee
邀请人:王雪松 教授
Dr. Jaeyoung Lee is working as an Assistant Professor and the Safety Program Director at the University of Central Florida. He is serving as the Co-Chair of the Transportation Safety Planning subcommittee of the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Also, he is a committee member of the Standing Committe for the Transportation Safety Management (ANB10). Dr. Lee's research interests include traffic safety, planning, travel and driving behavior, and so on. He has published 41peer-reviewed papers in premier journals and presented more than 100 studies in U.S. and international conferences.
Transportation safety management (TSM) has provided diverse reactive and proactive means to prevent traffic fatalities and severe injuries on public roads. In this seminar, three of the TSM strategies are introduced: transportation safety planning, policies, and emergency medical services. The transportation safety planning aims at incorporating macroscopic safety into mid- to long-term planning process. Traffic safety in the safety planning is considered at macroscopic level and identifies the relationship between traffic crashes and socio-demographic characteristics. Subsequently, traffic safety in the future is predicted and provides proactive mechanisms to alleviate safety problems. Policies have been long-term countermeasures to improve traffic safety. They include but not limited to safety education, mandatory seat belt use, cell-phone use ban, motorcycle helmet law, etc. In this seminar, the recent investigation of the effects of motorcycle helmet law is explained as an example. Last but not least, the emergency medical services play important roles to save lives and minimize serious injuries from traffic crashes. The factors affecting crash reporting time and ambulance arrival time were explained. In addition, the effects of crash reporting and ambulance arrival durations on fatalities are described.