主讲人:Denis Jelagin 副教授
邀请人:孙大权 教授
Denis Jelagin obtained his Ph.D. degree in Solid Mechanics from KTH in 2008. Since then, his research activities are focused on mechanics of infrastructure materials as well as on structural mechanics and structural design of roads. Presently he is engaged in several research projects aimed at improving performance predictions and optimizing structural and material design in infrastructure applications. He has 35+ publications in peer-reviewed international journals on various aspects of infrastructure engineering. He is also responsible for the “Transportation Infrastructure” thematic area of KTH Transport Platform - a multidisciplinary research environment at KTH for holistic transport, research, demonstration and innovation.
Technical focus: mechanics and material design of stone-based construction materials for roads and railways; discrete element modelling of stone-based materials; structural design of roads; vehicle-road interaction.
The presentation provides an overview of on-going road materials technology research at KTH. Recent research results regarding development of experimental and modelling tools for understanding of meso-scale mechanical processes governing road materials field performance are presented. In particular, development of new test for bitumen-filler mastics characterization at different length-scales is discussed, along with mastics micro-mechanical modelling results. Experimental and numerical tools suitable to optimize the performance asphalt mixture during transportation, placement and compaction are presented. New Discrete Element Method-based modelling framework suitable to analyze and optimize material behavior at these large deformation situations is outlined.
In addition to material design parameters, pavement lifetime is also controlled by the level of traffic induced stresses and strains in the structure. Accordingly, adequate description of the load cases arising at vehicle-pavement interaction is crucial for the pavement performance prediction and for quantifying the relative damage induced by a given vehicle type. Models of varying complexity to quantify the influence of dynamic vehicle-road interaction on pavement damage are presented. Potential of using 3D vehicle dynamics modelling to gain further insights regarding the influence of vehicle driving scenarios on pavement damage is discussed.