主讲人:Dr. Hans van Lint
邀请人:涂辉招 教授
Dr. Hans van Lint is full professor traffic simulation and computing at Delft University of Technology. His research lies on the interface of traffic flow theory & simulation and advanced data analytics and soft-computing techniques. With his PhD students, he developed travel time, traffic and origin-destination matrix estimation and prediction methods and worked on new theories and models for multi-class macroscopic and microscopic traffic flow simulation. He serves as associate editor of the IEEE Transactions of ITS and is member of the Editorial board of Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
Can we simulate traffic and predict a reduction in the probability of accidents on freeways with increasing amounts of vehicle automation? More generally, can we simulate todays’ traffic operations such that empirically falsifiable accident and safety statistics emerge? The answer to both questions is NO. (Near) accidents typically happen when drivers take risks, are distracted and/or make perception and judgement errors. In this talk I discuss our ideas for incorporating these human factors and social interactions in micro-simulation models for driving behavior. Much work still needs to be done, but the OpenTrafficSim framework we’ve developed in our lab offers a systematic way towards a new generation of simulation models with which we can predict how safe or unsafe next generation traffic flows will become …