主讲人:范围 教授
邀请人:朱炜 副教授
范围博士现为美国北卡罗莱纳大学土木与环境工程系终身教授,北卡罗莱纳大学交通工程组带头人,美国交通部国家先进多模式交通研究与教育中心主任。同时担任IEEE Transactions - Intelligent Transportation Systems、ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems、International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology等三本国际期刊副主编。作为课题负责人总研究金额超过1400万美元,并曾获多项奖,如2016美国北卡罗莱纳大学-夏洛特工程学院最佳研究生教学提名奖、2012年德克萨斯大学-泰勒最佳研究奖、2011年由美国德克萨斯州交通部提名给美国运筹学和管理科学协会(INFORMS) Franz Edelman杰出研究奖等。
This study presents an optimal variable speed limit (VSL) strategy in connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) environment for a freeway corridor with multiple bottlenecks. The VSL control is developed by using an extended cell transmission model (CTM) which takes into account capacity decrease and mixed traffic flow, including traditional human-driven cars and heavy vehicles, and autonomous vehicles (AVs). A multiple-objective function is formulated which aims to improve the operational efficiency and smooth the speed transition. Genetic algorithm (GA) is adopted to solve the integrated VSL control problem. A real-world freeway stretch is selected to test the designed control framework. Sensitivity analyses are performed to investigate impacts of both the penetration rate of CAVs and communication range. Simulation performances indicate that the developed VSL control not only improves the overall efficiency but also reduces tailpipe emission rate. Simulation results also show that the VSL control integrating vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V), vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I), and infrastructure-to-vehicle (I2V) communication outperforms the VSL control only. In addition, as the penetration rate of CAVs increases, better performance can be achieved.