2024年3月20日上午9:00—11:00,院级高等讲堂于线上成功举行。本次讲座的主题为:Thin Concrete Overlay on Asphalt Experience in California。讲座邀请了来自The University of California, Berkeley Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS)的Dr. Angel Mateos为大家带来了精彩的报告。

讲座围绕HVS测试的三个主要内容展开,包括Do not underestimate the structural capacity of a “relatively thin” (115 mm) concreteoverlay on asphalt;Alternation of "dominant" and "passive” transverse joints, California is not immune to this issue of thin COA with short slabs;Thickness and condition of the asphalt base are important。

最后,Dr. Angel Mateos详细解答了线上参会师生关于科研成长经历、研究选题、薄混凝土覆盖层等相关问题。