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  发表时间:2013-10-12    阅读次数:

        2011年10月25同济大学交通运输工程学院第40期同路人学术论坛在交通运输工程学院A103室顺利举行。本次论坛邀请到Juan Carlos Mu?oz Associate Professor为大家做题为“Transantiago: A tale of two cities”的演讲。

Dr. Juan Carlos Mu?oz’s main research areas are public transport, logistics, transport networks and traffic flow theory. Since 2010 he leads the Across Latitudes and Cultures Bus Rapid Transit Centre of Excellence funded by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations which aims at Strategic, Tactical, Operational and Control aspects of Bus Rapid Transit projects. He has been personal advisor of the Chile-an Minister of Transport and designated as one of the 12 members of a committee summoned by the Min-ister of Transport to suggest action lines for the recently created transit system of Santiago, Transantiago. He was also a member of the Board of Directors of the Metro of Valparaiso.

坛中,Dr. Juan Carlos Mu?oz的演讲分为三部分:Transantiago: A tale of two cities; What services should you operate in a bus corridor? and what can we achieve in time savings, reliability and comfort if properly controlled; A topological route choice model for metro.

最后,Dr. Juan Carlos Mu?oz与现场学生进行了交流互动,认真详尽地回答了同学们的疑问,带给同学们很好的启发。论坛取得圆满成功。