2015年6月23日在通达馆102室,主题为“Road Safety, ITS and Big Data”的报告圆满结束,受道路交通安全与环境教育部工程研究中心的热情邀请,几位主讲人Professor Liping Fu、Professor Luis Miranda-Moreno、Professor Laurence Rilett为我院师生带来了一场丰富而精彩的讲座。
Professor Liping Fu题为“Road Safety Analysis in the Era of Big Data”的报告,教授结合了非参数方法的RSA范例针对性的回答了三个相关的问题:1) are nonparametric models really more accurate that parametric models? Does the data size matter? 2). How sensitive is their performance to variable selection and parameter settings? How big a concern is model overfitting and curse of dimensionality? 3) Do they make practical differences in terms of application (e.g., network screening)?
Professor Luis Miranda-Moreno题为“Non-motorized traffic and injury risk: methods and empirical evidences in urban environments”的报告,针对城市路网交通数据的自动采集和安全分析的现阶段的技术和方法的情况进行了概述。为同学们的科研数据采集带来新的思路和解决方法。
Professor Laurence Rilett题为“ITS Data and Microsimulation Models:Lessons Learned”的报告,分两部分(Part1:Nebraska Transportation Center;Part2:ITS Data and Microsimulation)介绍了ITS数据和微观仿真的应用以及仍存在的问题。