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博士学位论文的开题和高水平期刊论文的撰写Preparing a Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and Publishing High-level Academic Papers
  发表时间:2015-12-02    阅读次数:


Lecture at Tongji University by Carlos Ventura


TopicPreparing a Doctoral Dissertation Proposal and Publishing High-level Academic Papers



Carlos Ventura教授,加拿大国家工程院(CAECanadian Academy of Engineering)及加拿大国家工程研究院(EICEngineering Institute of Canada)的院士,自1992起入职加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(简称 UBC)土木工程系,现担任UBC地震工程研究实验室(简称EERF)主任。Ventura教授一直从事结构动力特性及工程抗震方面的研究30多年,现已发表450 篇论文及报告,涉及地震工程,结构动力学及结构模态识别。Ventura教授是结构振动及大型工程结构安全性领域著名的国际专家, 加拿大工程师协会成员(Engineers Canada)。同时,他也是多个加拿大国内及国际专家协会成员,咨询委员会成员和多个建筑及桥梁规范编委会成员。

Short Bio

Carlos Ventura is a Civil Engineer with specializations in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering.  He has been a faculty member of the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Canada since 1992. He is currently the Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Facility (EERF) at UBC, and is the author of more than 450 papers and reports on earthquake engineering, structural dynamics and modal testing.   Dr. Ventura has conducted research about earthquakes and structural dynamics for more than thirty years. In addition to his academic activities, Dr. Ventura is a recognized international consultant on structural vibrations and safety of large Civil Engineering structures. He is a member of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and Fellow of Engineers Canada.  He is also a member of several national and international professional societies, advisory committees and several building and bridge code committees.







Open talk abstract

This presentation consists of two parts.  The first part deals with strategies for the preparation of a good PhD research proposal, and the second part deals with strategies to prepare high-caliber technical papers for journal publication. The key elements of a successful PhD proposal include the definition of a clear question and the approach to answering it; the need to highlight its originality and/or significance; an explanation of how the proposed work adds to, develops (or challenges) existing literature in the field; and the need to persuade the research supervisory committee of the importance of the work, and why you are the right person to undertake it.  The preparation of a high-caliber research paper starts with getting ready with the data and results to be published; developing a first draft with a good structure; selection of the journal where the paper will be published, preparation of the final version of the manuscript, submission, responding to critical feedback from the reviewers and the editor, and revision and galley proof.  The presentation will address all these issues and will discuss samples of research proposals and technical papers so that the attendees can develop a better appreciation of the work involved in preparing a successful document.


Academic Requirements for audience suggested: graduate students in all disciplines








