美国华盛顿大学土木工程系,博士后研究员,(2014.3 -2015.8)
美国华盛顿大学土木工程系,访问科学家, (2013.10-2014.2)
美国交通研究委员会(TRB)ANB20 2015 青年学者论文奖;
1. Zou, Y., Ye, X., Kris, H., Tang, J., and Wang, Y., 2017 Bivariate modelling of freeway traffic incident response and clearance time using a copula-based approach. Transportation Research Part C, in press.
2. Zou, Y., Yang H., Zhang, Y., Tang J., and Zhang W., 2017. Mixture modeling of freeway speed and headway data using multivariate skew-t distributions. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, in press.
3. Zou, Y., Tang J., Wu, L., Wang, Y. and Henrickson K., 2017. Quantile analysis of factors influencing the time taken to clear road traffic incidents. Proceedings of Transport, in press.
4. Yang, H., Zou, Y. (通信作者), Wang, Z., Wu, B., and Wang, Y., 2017. A Hybrid Method for Short-term Freeway Travel Time Prediction Based on Wavelet Neural Network and Markov Chain. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, in press.
5. Peng, Y., Abdel-Aty, M., Lee, J., and Zou, Y. (通信作者), 2017. Analysis of the Impact of Fog-related Reduced Visibility on Traffic Parameters. Journal of Transportation Engineering , in press.
6. Tang, J., Zou, Y. (通信作者), Zhang W., and Wang, Y., 2017. An Improved Fuzzy Neural Network for Traffic Speed Prediction Considering Periodic Characteristic. Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on, in press.
7. Wang, Y., Zou, Y. (通信作者), Kristian, H., Wang, Y., Tang, J., Park, B., 2017. Google Earth elevation data extraction and accuracy assessment for transportation applications. PLoS one, 12(4), e0175756.
8. Zou, Y., Ash, J.E., Park, B.J., Lord, D., and Wu, L., 2017. Application of Finite Mixture of Negative Binomial Regression Models in Estimating Empirical Bayes Estimates. Journal of Applied Statistics, in press.
9. Tang, J., Liu, F., Zhang, W., Zou, Y. (通信作者) and Wang, Y., 2017. Lane-Changes Prediction Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Neural Network. Expert Systems With Applications, in press.
10. Ye, X., Wang, K., Zou, Y., 2017. On the development of a semi-nonparametric generalized multinomial logit model for travel-related choices. PloS One, in press.
11. Zou, Y., Zhong, X., Ash, J.E., Zeng, Z., Wang, Y., and Hao, Y., 2017. Developing a Clustering-Based Empirical Bayes Analysis Method for Hotspot Identification. Journal of Advanced Transportation, in press.
12. Yuan, S., Wright, B., Zou, Y., and Wang, Y., 2017. Quantification of variability of valid travel times with FMMs for buses, passenger cars, and taxis. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 11(1), 1-9.
13. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., 2016. A copula-based approach to accommodate the dependence among microscopic traffic variables, Transportation Research Part C, 70, 53-68.
14. Zhang, W., Tang, J., Henrickson K., Zou, Y., and Wang, Y., 2016. Hybrid Short-term Prediction of Traffic Volume at Ferry Terminal based on Data Fusion. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 10(8), 524-534.
15. Tang, J., Zou, Y., Ash, J., Zhang S., Liu F, Wang, Y., 2016. Travel Time Estimation Using Freeway Point Detector Data Based on Evolving Fuzzy Neural Inference System. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0147263.
16. Zhang, W., Zou, Y., Tang, J., Ash, J.E., and Wang, Y., 2016. Short-term prediction of vehicle waiting queue at ferry terminal based on machine learning method. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 21(4), 729-741.
17. Zou, Y., Henrickson K., Lord, D., Wang, Y., and Xu K., 2016. Application of finite mixture models for analyzing freeway incident clearance time. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 12(2), 99-115.
18. Zha, L., Lord, D., Zou, Y. (通信作者), 2016. Examining the Poisson Inverse Gaussian generalized linear regression model for analyzing motor vehicle crash data. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, 8(1), 18-35.
19. Zou, Y., Hua, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., 2015. Hybrid short-term freeway speed prediction methods based on periodic analysis. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42 (8), 570-582.
20. Wu, L., Lord, D., Zou, Y. (通信作者), 2015. Validation of Crash Modification Factors Derived from Cross-Sectional Studies with Regression Models. Transportation Research Record, 2514, 88-96. (TRB Committee ANB20 2015 Young Researcher Paper Award)
21. Wright, B., Zou, Y. (通信作者), Wang, Y., 2015. The impact of traffic incidents on the reliability of freeway travel times. Transportation Research Record, 2484, 90-98.
22. Kristian, H., Zou, Y., Wang, Y., 2015. Flexible and robust method for missing loop detector data imputation. Transportation Research Record, 2527, 29-36.
23. Zou, Y., Wu, L., Lord, D., 2015. Modeling over-dispersed crash data with a long tail: examining the accuracy of the dispersion parameter in negative binomial models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 5, 1-16.
24. Zou, Y., Zhu, X., Zhang, Y., Zeng, X., 2014. A space-time diurnal method for short-term freeway travel time prediction. Transportation Research Part C, 43(1), 33-49.
25. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhu, X., 2014. Constructing a bivariate distribution for freeway speed and headway data. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 10(3), 255-272.
26. Peng, Y., Lord, D., Zou, Y., 2014. Applying the Generalized Waring model for investigating sources of variance in motor vehicle crash analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 20-26.
27. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., Lord, D., 2014. Analyzing different functional forms of the varying weight parameter for finite mixture of negative binomial regression models. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 1, 39-52.
28. Wu, L., Zou, Y. (通信作者), Lord, D., 2014. Comparison of Sichel and Negative Binomial models in hotspot identification. Transportation Research Record, 2460, 107-116.
29. Chen Z., Zhang, Y., Lv J., Zou, Y., 2014. Model for Optimization of Ecodriving at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record, 2427, 54-62.
30. Zou, Y., Lord, D., Zhang, Y., Peng, Y., 2013. Comparison of Sichel and Negative Binomial models in estimating empirical bayes estimates. Transportation Research Record, 2392, 11-21.
31. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., Lord, D., 2013. Application of finite mixture of negative binomial regression models with varying weight parameters for vehicle crash data analysis. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 1042-1051.
32. Zou, Y., Zhang, Y., 2011. Use of skew-normal and skew-t distributions for mixture modeling of freeway speed data. Transportation Research Record, 2260, 67-75.
33. Gharaibeh, N.G., Zou, Y., Saliminejad, S., 2010. Assessing the agreement among pavement condition indexes. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136(8), 765-772.