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  发表时间:2018-12-03    阅读次数:


主讲人:Chia-pei Chou, Ph.D.

邀请人:肖飞鹏 教授





        Dr. Chia-pei Chou received her MS and Ph.D. degrees from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas at Austin. She joined the Department of Civil Engineering of Taiwan University in 1989. Since then she has been actively conducting researches in the areas of automatic inspection, evaluation, and management of highway as well as airports pavement facilities, motor vehicle size and weight studies, roadway safety for the past 30 years. She has published more than 240 journal and conference papers, and 82 research reports. She has supervised 85 master students and 12 Ph. D. students during these years. Dr. Chou was awarded the Outstanding and Excellent Teaching Awards and has been promoted as the distinguished professor since May 2009. She also received eleven Annual Best Paper Awards offered by international and domestic professional engineering societies. She was appointed as the associate dean of College of Engineering from 2008 to 2010. Her most recent research works include, but not limited to, developing the bicycle-riding simulation model for evaluating bike route smoothness, systematic assessment of smartphone-based method of pavement roughness evaluation, city street network management, and the assessment/improvement of skid resistance capability and retroreflectivity of road marking.


  12月5日 上午(9:00 - 10:30):讲座一 ~ 機場跑道抗滑檢測與評估(学院103)

  12月6日 上午(9:00 - 10:30):讲座二 ~ 鋪面養護對節能減碳之貢獻(学院103)

  12月7日 上午(9:00 - 10:00):讲座三 ~ 智慧型手機量測鋪面平坦度探討(学院103)

  12月7日 上午 (10:00 - 11:00):讲座四 ~ 道路標線兼具抗滑與反光能力材料探討(学院103)


