I am currently a Research Professor of School of Transportation Engineering at Tongji University. Before joining Tongji, I was a Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. I received my Ph.D. from the Department of Civil and Urban Engineering at the New York University. I was also a research assistant at the C2SMART Department of Transportation Center and the Center for Urban Science And Progress (CUSP). I received the BSc degree from Jilin University and the MSc degree from Tsinghua University. My research focuses on developing analytical and computational algorithms to improve transportation efficiency and resiliency in increasingly connected cities.
New York University New York, NY
Doctor of Philosophy in Transportation Planning and Engineering May 2021
Tsinghua University Beijing
Master of Science in Automotive Engineering. July 2015
Jilin University Changchun
Bachelor of Science in Automotive Engineering July 2012
School of Transportation Engineering Shanghai
Tongji University March 2023 - Present
Research Professor
Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data Shenzhen
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen September 2021 - February 2023
Research Scientist
Harvard Kennedy School Cambridge, MA
Harvard University July 2021 - April 2022
Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow
Research interests:
Intelligent transportation systems and smart cities
Modeling and optimization in complex systems
Traffic flow theory with differential equations
Multi-agent systems in dynamical networks
Stochastic optimization and optimal control
Dynamic programming and reinforcement learning
Honors & Awards:
Shanghai Overseas Outstanding Talents Scheme (2023)
Shenzhen Pengcheng Peacock Scheme (2022)
School of Engineering Fellowship, New York University (2017, 2018)
Kwang-Hua Scholarship, Tsinghua University (2013)
National Encouragement Scholarship, Jilin University (2009)
First-class Fast Auto Drive Scholarship, Jilin University (2009)
Xiong, X., Sha, J. and Jin, L. Optimizing Coordinated Vehicle Platooning: An Analytical Approach Based on Stochastic Dynamic Programming.Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2021, 150: 482-502.
Xiong, X., Ozbay, K., Jin, L., and Feng, C. Dynamic Origin-Destination Matrix Prediction with Line Graph Neural Networks and Kalman Filter.Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2674(8) pp.491-503.
Čičić, M.,Xiong, X., Jin, L. and Johansson, K.H. Coordinating Vehicle Platoons for Highway Bottleneck Decongestion and Throughput Improvement.IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 23(7): 8959-8971.
Yang, S., Yin, H.H., Yeung, R.W.,Xiong, X., Huang, Y., Ma, L., Li, M., and Tang, C. On Scalable Network Communication for Infrastructure-Vehicular Collaborative Autonomous Driving.IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2022.
Xiong, X., Xiao, E., and Jin., L. Analysis of a Stochastic Model for Coordinated Platooning of Heavy-duty Vehicles.In 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2019.
Xiong, X., Wang, T., and Jin, L. Evaluation of Headway Threshold-based Coordinated Platooning over a Cascade of Highway Junctions.In Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, 2019.
Xiong, X., Jin, Z., Gao, D., and Lu, Q. Development of HIL Test Platform Based on VeriStand for Hybrid Powertrain Controller.In IEEE 2014 ITEC Asia-Pacific, 2014.
Wang, M., Xu, Y.,Xiong, X., Kan, Y., Xu, C., and Pun, M. ADLight: A Universal Approach of Traffic Signal Control with Augmented Data Using Reinforcement Learning.In Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting, 2022.